Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post #11

In the video Back to the Future Mr. Brian Crosby had his class do several fun activities. He says he has his class participate in activities like these because, kids do not know what could be, if they do not know what is. Mr. Crosby explains that students today must have imagination and creativity. He really tries to step outside of the "narrow curriculum" that he believes students are receiving these days. His fourth graders participated in many hands on activities. He then instead of testing them on these projects, had them embed their videos and blog about what they had done. The students posted it to their blog, made their own wiki page, and added pictures to their class flickr. It seems that he has brought these students so far! He says that we've always taught students how to be taught: be quiet, raise your hand. Now we must make students want to learn, he really seems to have done this. Awesome video!

The next video was Blended Learning Cycle . In this video Paul Anderson explains how he uses blended learning in his science classroom. He says many times that as teachers we must understand the power and importance of a question. Mr. Anderson also says that it is important for students to have control in doing things such as peer grading. He then explains his steps to blended learning which are: Question,Investigation,Video,Elaboration,Review and Summary/Quiz. These are great and very useful steps to the learning process. These steps will be beneficial for me in the future.

The third video I watched was Making Thinking Visible . In this video Mark Church has his students watch a video about the upcoming lesson. Then, they create a headline within their groups. Later on after the lesson is completed, he has his students create a new headline to see what has changed from beginning to end. I feel like this would really help students understand the lesson more and have them more interested in it.

The forth video was Super Digital Citizen . I absolutely loved the lesson in this video! In Sam Pane's classroom, he has his students create a digital super hero. These super hero's help teach children how to safely use the internet. Mr. Pane explains that the more the lesson is about the students the more meaningful the lesson is. He also allowed his students to walk around and look at and read their fellow students comic. Again, we see peer editing in the classroom this is crucial among students these days. "With great power come great responsibility".

The fifth video was Project Based Learning . In this classroom the teachers have combined english, history and information processing (technology). The students in this classroom have three different teachers, so they have triple the feed back. Not only do they have feedback from teachers but their classmates as well. These students really seem to love the idea of three teachers and PBL in this classroom, they are always asking the question "how can I make this better?".

The final video I watched was Roosevelt Elementary PBL . In this video teachers and parents explain how much they love project based learning in this elementary school. The teachers explain that this concept takes a real world problem and allows students to research and solve the problem themselves. One parent says that it has helped her son have great independent skills as well as group working skills. All social skills build upon each other. This really helps students get prepared for their future.

Group work


  1. Very organized post. There was a lot of information in these videos and it really seems like you summarized the good points out of them. Your picture is really cute too.
