EDM 310 Class Blog

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blog Post #10

In these videos Kathy Cassidy makes great points about students and technology. Ms. Cassidy uses technology in her first grade classroom. She sends out forms at the beginning of each year letting parents know that the students will be using the internet safely. She uses her students blogs as a portfolio for the parents, so that they can see what their child has been learning throughout the year. I really love this idea. She later states that blogs can have an audience, where as pen and paper really do not. Her point about technology never going away could not be more true, technology grows everyday! There is always something new on the internet.

Kathy explains that as a teacher you have to know about technology, especially with the generation that we will be teaching. Books, pencil and paper (the old way), will no longer keep students interested in their activity. My views on using technology in the young classroom have definitely changed since the beginning of EDM310. With Dr. Strange and these videos I am going to use blogging and other technology based activities in my classroom! Enjoyed these videos.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

computer student

Saturday, October 25, 2014

C4K For October

Danny's Blog Post Summary
Danny wrote about if football is too dangerous for kids. Danny does not think so. He gives us examples of how it is safe such as: coaches teach a safe way to tackle, they wear pads and protective helmets. Danny does think that there could be more safety rules to prevent concussions. He tells his readers to make sure they let a coach know when themselves or their friends get hurt.

My Comment
My name is Lindsey Donald and I am in college at the University of South Alabama! Great post! I also love football, it is such a fun sport to watch. I love how you give examples of the safety precautions that are being implemented in this sport. It is very important that you let coach know when you or your friends get hurt.
Great job!

Danny's Blog Post

Madison's Blog Post Summary
For this week I commented on Madison's blog. Madison had a very detailed post on how and what to do when you are babysitting.

My Comment
Hi Madison,
My name is Lindsey Donald and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. This is a great post! It is very detailed and informative. I really enjoyed reading it. From my babysitting experiences these things that you have listed are very true! Keep up the great posts! Can not wait to read more.

Madison's Blog Post

Thad's Blog Post Summary
In his post Thad believes that kids at a younger age should be able to take classes that contribute to a career. Thad gives examples such as: astronomy, engineering, services, agriculture, and economics.

My Comment
Hi Thad,
My name is Lindsey Donald and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed this post! And I agree that kids at a younger age should be able to take classes to help with their future. What would you like to take? Great post!

Thad's Blog

Danielle's Blog Post Summary

This week Danielle wrote about the importance of being a "good Englander". She writes about being respectful to your peers and your teachers. She also talks about how welcoming new students is important so they feel welcome.

My Comment

My name is Lindsey Donald and I go to the University of South Alabama in the United States. I would not like to go to a school where people were rude to me either! I agree that we should be respectful to our teachers and our peers. Welcoming new students is important you want to make them as comfortable as possible. Great post!

Danielle's Post


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog Post #9

In Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning we learn that it is important to keep our students attention while introducing a project. Students do not care about "busy work", but having an "entry event" such as; a field trip or guest speaker will keep their attention.
Every good project needs: Students to see the project personally so that it is meaningful and they will want to do it well. Secondly, a meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose, project based learning is meaningful in both ways.

Project Based Learning for Teachers starts out asking a question about what teachers want in a classroom. Project Based Learning poses a question about an event or issue that allows the student to do their own research. This helps the students gain a better understanding of the project. Students have a voice and a choice in their learning.

Next, I watched What Motivates Students . I was a little bit surprised by some of the students' answers about what motivates them. I was surprised because, they seem to be very interested in being successful when they grow up, with a good job and a family. These students were rewarded for their good grades and good behavior. Some were rewarded food, school supplies, or fun class activities. Rewarding students for good grades and behavior in school is a great way to keep them motivated.

In the article Project Based Learning in PE high school students had to create a beneficial physical fitness program for middle school students. This project also meets the physical education standards. This project effects students everywhere in everyday life. Physical fitness should be a part of everyday life. In this project the students learn many things such as; teamwork, how to stay fit and live a healthy life.

Lastly, I watched High School Teachers Meet the Challenges of PBL . In this video teachers talk about how they thought that PBL would affect their math and english classrooms. One teacher says that it PBL is helping engage all of their students. Another teacher states that is it great for teachers to create their own courses and for the teacher to have the voice. These teachers seemed unsure about change in the beginning but really seemed to like the process of PBL in the classroom. It really gets the students more involved.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Implications and Teaching Oportunities for Camera use in Teaching and Learning

1. 87% say their smartphone never leaves their side.
2. 80% say the very first thing they do in the morning is reach for their smartphone.
3. 78% say they spend 2 or more hours per day using their smartphone.
4. 68% say they would prefer to use their smartphone instead of their laptop or personal computer for personal use.
5. 91% say that having a camera on their smartphone is important (61% very important)
6. 87% say they use their smartphone camera at least weekly. 59% use their smartphone camera at least every other day. 44% use their smartphone camera for still or motion picture taking every day.

Technology is something that has an effect of everyone these days. Even young children use technology whether it be at home or at school. I feel that it is important for teachers to learn and keep up with the latest technology. The generation that I will be teaching will definitely know more about technology that I. Children most likely prefer tablets and smart phones over books any day!

I know that I will learn many things from my students about technology. Even though I am not the best it, it is becoming a bigger part of our lives everyday. Children seem to pay more attention to technology than anything else. Luckily technology can be fun and it is a great source for learning.

Part B
-Downloading apps to help with many different skills.
-Recording students reading or presenting and letting them watch and correct their own mistakes.
-Have small groups create an iMovie

kids and technology

C4T #2


My blog post this week was Peer Revision Groups by Dana Murphy. In this Post Dana talks about students reviewing other students' writings. She posted three youtube videos as an example of this method. She tells us that she went to a seventh grade classroom and introduced this method she says they did a great job and she thinks they will only get better!

My Comment

In my comment I introduced myself and told Ms. Murphy I was a student at South Alabama.I told her that, I love the idea of peer editing in the classroom! As long as parameters are set. I like the fact that their doing it in groups and the teacher modeling it is a great idea. When I get my own students I plan to use this strategy.


In the next blog post Written Conversations Ms. Murphy tells us that they worked with an author and consultant Ellin Keene on expanding students' vocabulary. Then, she explains to us how the process works. First, students are sat with a partner, and the teacher gives them an open-ended question. Next, they write their ideas down and share them with each other. Lastly, they discuss it as a class so that everyone has fresh ideas. Ms. Murphy gives us some pictures of the seventh grade students writings.

My Comment

I started my comment by introducing myself again. I told Ms. Murphy that even now, in college I have trouble expanding my vocabulary. I told her that I thought this was a great exercise for all students to use. The samples of the students writings were great I will definitely take this assignment with me to the next level.

Girl Writing

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blog Post #8

In his Last Lecture Randy Pausch makes so many great points about learning and teaching. Right away his passion and great attitude shows us that you have to want to learn to be able to teach. One of the first things that he exclaims is that anything is possible! Whether you are learning or teaching you have to know that eventually you will achieve your dreams. Randy's point about the brick walls stood out most to me. "Brick walls are there for a reason: they prove how badly we want things". This point tells us that no matter what the obstacle we can overcome it. He also says that brick walls stop the people who don't want it badly enough. When you have a passion for learning and teaching you will never stop fulfilling these passions.

Randy then talks about his football days and wanting to play in the NFL. He tells a story about when he was a young boy playing ball and the coach was riding him all practice. This was a good thing explained Randy, when they stop yelling they stop caring. Even though Randy did not achieve his full football dream he took the best out of the situation. He says "experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted", he took a positive out of his failed dream. Hearing this story, we as teachers realize that we must never stop caring about our students. Teachers need to express to their students how important it is to want to learn and have goals/dreams. Randy teaches us that even if our dreams are far fetched we must always try our best to achieve them.

Randy Pausch not only achieved his dreams, he helped others reach theirs. With teaching and learning comes frustration. Even if a project or a student does frustrate us, Randy reminds us that if we wait long enough people will surprise and impress us. Randy gave his students a two week assignment, they came back with time to spare and projects that blew him away. Instead of saying how great and impressed he was Mr. Pausch tells them that they can do better. This shows me that the more we believe in our students the more they believe in themselves.

I loved listening to every part of Randy's lecture. He made so many great points about teaching and learning. He was so passionate about his job and his dreams, he really inspires others to achieve theirs. I plan on purchasing his book. This is something that I will not forget!

the last lecture

Monday, October 6, 2014

Project #7 Part B Videos

Introduction to my Students

Introduction to my Parents

Blog Post #7

The first video I watched was How to make a QR Code . In this video Ms. Bennett shows us step by step how to create a QR audio code. Using QR audio codes can and will be very useful to me as a teacher. I can read to my class or, they can record themselves reading. I think students would really enjoy this.

The second video was iPad Reading Center . Here a teacher has a center set up in her classroom where students can record themselves reading. After they record themselves, they play their video back and listen to themselves to check for mistakes. This is a great idea for students who are learning to read. By the teacher watching the videos she can help the students in areas where they are struggling. I love this idea for students, I feel that it is really beneficial for both the teacher and the student.

The next video was Poplet with Ginger Tuck Ms. Tuck shows us a program called Poplet. Poplet allows students to make their own web using their own words and pictures. This program is great for helping students learn the information and also help with their typing skills. Poplet is a great program for helping students with various skills. I know I would love to use this program once I am in the classroom.

The forth video was AVL and Kindergarten Students In this video the students are able to long on to AVL and do research themselves. I find it amazing that kindergartners are using this website that I first heard about in high school. This project allows students to do many different activities. Such as: research, drawing pictures, and writing sentences. This is a great learning activity for all students.

In the video Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project Ms. Shirley and her student Carley show us how to create a board using Discovery Education. Carley is only in first grade and she showed us everything about this website! She showed us how to search for pictures, videos and other information about her topic. This is a great site for students of all ages. It is easy to operate and very helpful to students and teachers.

The next video was Mrs. Tassin Board Builder Project . In this video Mrs. Tassin allows two of her students to tell us about their Board Builder Project on whales. The two students did their own research and added their own pictures to their board. This project seems to have been a great learning experience both about whales and research. The boys seemed to have enjoyed their project.

In the video Sharing Board Builder Project Mrs. Tassin has three students sharing their board builder project. These three students did their own research on their topic about The Haven. The girls start off asking everyone watching a question. Then they share with us the information we need to know about The Haven and what the donations will be spent on. They share with us that they got their information from opening safari and then googling different things that they needed for their project. This is a great Project Based Learning activity.

Next, in Using iMovie and AVL Dr. Strange, Michele Bennett, and Elizabeth Davis talk about students using iMovie and AVL. Ms. Bennett talked about how much her students love iMovie and never want to stop using it. She only had to demonstrate this a few times before students were doing it on their own. She talked about how students always wanted to keep working and editing their movies to make them better. Next, Ms. Davis talked about students using AVL she says that it is very easy for her students to use this site for many things. This site is easy and free at all times! Dr. Strange was absolutely right when he said his students did not even know how to use iMovie. I think that it is great that students get to use these things a such a young age.

The last video was We All Become Learners . In this video Dr. Strange, Michele Bennett, and Elizabeth Davis talk about everyone being a learner. Ms. Bennett begins talking about how one of her kindergarten students showing her how to use an iPad. Ms. Bennett tells us how she learns something from someone else whether it be a student or a teacher everyday! I feel that it is important to understand that it is okay to not know everything when we become teachers. It is great to learn from students!


Project #13

The Biography Project:Exploring the Past in 21st Century Ways